Workcations and secondments are further examples of the fantastic value that can be derived from MGI Worldwide, providing unique opportunities for staff to work at MGI member offices around the world and gain from new experiences.

As interest builds in these opportunities, we thought it might be useful to share an outline of the different concepts to help guide you.

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A workcation and a secondment are two distinct concepts related to work arrangements, each with its own focus and purpose.


A workcation involves combining work responsibilities with leisure or vacation activities. It allows individuals to work remotely from a different location, often a desirable or scenic destination, while also taking time to relax and enjoy their surroundings. The primary goal of a workcation is to achieve a better work-life balance and capitalise on remote work opportunities in an enjoyable setting.

Organising a workcation is a relatively simple process where many of the factors to consider are down to the individual rather than the company. For each party some consideration items would include:

Host firm considerations Host firm considerations

  • Remote Work Setup: reliable internet connection, a suitable space to work which doesn’t have to be a meeting/conference room and access to the coffee machine.
  • Insurance cover at the host premises needs to be checked to ensure that the visiting person is covered. As workcations tend to be for a short period of time additional insurance is often not required. However, if additional cover is required it should be agreed in advance who bears the cost, if applicable.

Individual considerations (in conjunction with their employer): Individual considerations (in conjunction with their employer):

  • Remote Work Setup: Ensure you have the necessary tools, technology, and resources to effectively perform your work remotely. This includes appropriate devices, software, and access to company systems.
  • Job Responsibilities: Agree the expectations and deliverables during your workcation with your employer. Define and agree your availability, work hours, and any potential time zone differences with your employer.
  • Communication: Communicate your workcation plans with colleagues, clients, or your team in advance to manage expectations and ensure a smooth workflow.
  • Health Insurance and Travel Documents: Ensure your health insurance covers your travel destination and have all necessary travel documents, such as visas, if applicable.
  • Feedback and Reflection: After your workcation, reflect on what went well and what could be improved for future workcation experiences.


A secondment refers to the temporary reassignment of an employee from their regular position within an organisation to another company, for a specified period. The emphasis of a secondment is on professional development, skill enhancement, and knowledge exchange. The individual gains new experiences and insights from the temporary assignment, which can benefit their career growth and contribute to the organisation's overall goals. Unlike a workcation, a secondment involves more substantial changes in work responsibilities and is often endorsed by the employer to enhance career growth or contribute to organisational needs.

Setting up a secondment often takes time to plan and execute with many elements to consider. 

Secondment preparation Secondment preparation

  • Objectives and Goals: Define the purpose of the secondment – whether it's skill development, knowledge exchange, cross-functional collaboration, or addressing specific organisational needs.
  • Duration: Determine the length of the secondment, considering the time required to achieve the intended goals while balancing the needs of the employee's original role. Secondments tend to be for a period of 2 years or less.
  • Role and Responsibilities: Clearly outline the new role, responsibilities, and tasks the employee will undertake during the secondment period.
  • Communication: Establish open and transparent communication channels between the employee, their original team, and the team they'll be joining during the secondment to ensure alignment and information flow.
  • Legal and HR Considerations: Address legal and HR aspects, including employment contracts, benefits, compensation, non-disclosure agreements, intellectual property rights, and any applicable policies.
  • Return Plan: Plan for the employee's return to their original role after the secondment, including how the acquired skills and experiences will be integrated back into the organisation.
  • Cross-Cultural Considerations: If the secondment involves working in a different location or organisation with different cultural norms, be mindful of cultural differences and provide any necessary cultural training.
  • Consent and Agreement: Ensure that the employee is willing to undertake the secondment and that all parties involved – the employee, their original team, and the host team – agree.
  • Exit Strategy: Have a plan in place in case the secondment needs to be terminated early due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Documentation: Document the terms of the secondment in a formal agreement to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts later.
  • Benefits for Employee and Organisation: Consider how the secondment aligns with the employee's career goals and how it benefits the organisation in terms of skill development, knowledge transfer, or addressing specific needs.

During secondment During secondment

  • Training and Support: Provide necessary training and resources to equip the employee for their new role and responsibilities and offer ongoing support throughout the secondment.
  • Performance Metrics: Set measurable objectives and performance metrics for the secondment to track progress and success.
  • Relationships: Encourage relationship-building between the employee and their new colleagues, as well as maintaining connections with their original team.

Post secondment Post secondment

  • Return Plan: Plan for the employee's return to their original role after the secondment, including how the acquired skills and experiences will be integrated back into the organisation.
  • Feedback and Evaluation: Gather feedback from the employee, their original team, and the host team to assess the progress of the secondment and make any necessary adjustments.

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